How do I maintain good oral hygiene with braces?

Maintaining good oral hygiene with braces requires brushing after each meal using a soft-bristle toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Floss daily with orthodontic floss or floss threaders, rinse with an antimicrobial mouthwash, and schedule regular dental check-ups for professional cleanings and monitoring.

Which foods should I avoid with braces?

It’s best to avoid hard, sticky, or chewy foods that can damage your braces or get stuck in them. Examples include popcorn, hard candies, gum, and ice. Cutting foods like apples and corn off the cob before eating can also help protect your braces.

How often should I see my orthodontist for check-ups?

You should schedule check-up appointments with your orthodontist every 6-8 weeks. These visits are essential for adjustments and ensuring your treatment progress is on track.

How do I maintain good oral hygiene with aligners?

To maintain good oral hygiene with aligners, remove them before eating and brush your teeth thoroughly. Clean your teeth and the aligners before putting them back in your mouth.

How do I clean aligners?

To clean aligners, use a soft toothbrush and mild soap to gently brush them. Rinse them thoroughly before reinserting them into your mouth to prevent bacteria buildup. Avoid using hot water, as it can deform the aligners.


What are the main components of traditional braces?

Traditional metal braces consist of brackets, wires, bands (ligatures or O-rings), and tiny elastics. Brackets are affixed to your teeth, and wires are threaded through them. Bands secure the wires to the brackets, and elastics help adjust the tension to move your teeth into their desired positions.

What are ligatures or O-rings in braces?

Ligatures, also known as O-rings, are small elastic bands that secure the archwire to the brackets. They come in various colors and can be changed during your orthodontic appointments for a fun, personalized touch.

What is an archwire in braces, and how does it work?

An archwire is a thin, metal wire that connects the brackets and applies pressure to move your teeth into the desired positions. It’s an essential component of the braces system.

What are power chains in braces?

Power chains are elastic bands connected together and used to close gaps between teeth or address specific alignment issues. They provide continuous pressure to achieve desired results.

What is a palatal expander in orthodontics?

A palatal expander is a device used to widen the upper jaw to correct bite and alignment issues. It is often used in early orthodontic treatment for children.


What should I do if a wire or bracket breaks with my braces?

In the event of a broken wire or bracket, it’s crucial not to attempt DIY fixes. Instead, use orthodontic wax to temporarily cover any sharp or protruding edges that may cause discomfort. Immediately contact our office to schedule an emergency appointment for proper repair. Attempting to fix it yourself can lead to complications.

What should I do if a wire is poking or causing discomfort?

If a wire is poking and causing discomfort, use orthodontic wax to cover the sharp end temporarily. Contact our office to schedule a professional adjustment.

What should I do if a bracket pops out or becomes loose?

If a bracket pops out or becomes loose, save it if possible. Contact our office to arrange an appointment for reattachment.

Why does my tooth feel loose with braces?

It’s normal for teeth to feel slightly loose during orthodontic treatment as they shift. If you’re concerned about excessive movement, contact our office for evaluation.

What should I do if I've lost my clear aligners?

If you’ve lost your clear aligners, it’s crucial to contact our office immediately to discuss obtaining replacement aligners. While you wait, you may wear your previous tray if it still fits comfortably. However, it’s essential to only advance to your next set of trays after receiving approval from Dr. Anderson to ensure the continuity of your treatment plan.

What should I do if I've lost or damaged my retainers?

If you’ve lost or damaged your retainers, it’s essential to contact our office promptly. We will assist you in obtaining replacements to ensure the maintenance of your treatment results and the long-term stability of your newly aligned smile. Regular use of retainers is crucial to prevent any relapse in tooth alignment, so don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance.